Testemonial corner
just wanted to say thanks very much for doing such a wonderful job playing at our wedding on 19th July. You really made
the evening, I'm sure that I have never seen a wedding with the dance floor so full all night!
Belatedly, I would like to thank you all for the excellent playing and calling at my daughter's wedding on the 5th August.
Everyone said how much they enjoyed themselves and it's a good way of getting all age groups involved!
I particularly liked the way youy ended the evening with the circle and archway so Rachel and Dave were able to say goodbye
to everybody. It was something I hadn't seen before and think it is a great idea.
Yours sincerely,
Jenny G
Recent Gigs include: Plympton Town Hall, Seven Stars Totnes, Cider Press Centre, Dartington College, SU Plymouth, Birthday
party Dartington Village hall, Wedding Salcome, Wedding Imperial Hotel Torquay, Ceilidh South Brent Village Hall, Conference
at Exeter Great Hall, 60th bday Falcon Hotel Bude, Plymouth City Centre, and many, many others over the last twenty years
or so.
email me